@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009786, author = {松島, 佳子 and 北川, 薫 and MATSUSHIMA, Yoshiko and KITAGAWA, Kaoru}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {Rugby players play different roles according to their playing positions. Playing position is a key factor for players to increase or maintain their physical capacity. This study investigates body composition, anthropometric characteristics, muscular function and dietary intake of varsity rugby players, and examines the differences due to the playing position. The subjects were sixteen male varsity rugby players; seven forward players (FW) and nine back players (BK) aged 18.3±0.6 yrs. The results showed no significant differences of body composition, subcutaneous fat thickness and girth of circumference between FW and BK. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found between FW and BK for isokinetic leg strength (extension: FW=3.1±0.3Nm/kg, BK=3.5±0.4Nm/kg, flexion: FW=1.8±0.2Nm/kg, BK=2.0±0.1Nm/kg) and grip strength (FW=542±66Nm, BK=448±74Nm). But there were no significant differences between FW and BK for back strength, leg extension power, and maximal anaerobic power. Furthermore, dietary intakes were not significantly different. A lot of previous studies with senior players reported clear differences for body composition, anthropometric characteristics and muscular function due to playing positions. In this study, however, the subjects did not show the similar results as senior players. These differences are considered to come from in-maturity of the subjects for their playing positions. The most adapted physical characteristics of rugby player due to playing positions probably appear in/after university life with hard training and enough dietary intakes., 4, KJ00004858374, 原著論文, Original Article}, title = {ポジション別にみた大学ラグビー選手の身体組成、形態、筋機能、栄養素摂取量の特徴}, volume = {48}, year = {2007}, yomi = {マツシマ, ヨシコ and キタガワ, カオル} }