@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009770, author = {大窄, 貴史 and 六鹿, 由紀 and 家田, 重晴 and 勝亦, 紘一 and OSAKO, Takashi and MUTSUGA, Yuki and IEDA, Shigeharu and KATSUMATA, Koichi}, issue = {1}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine teaching contents for "Exercise to promote physical fitness" etc. in physical education classes of junior and senior high schools, where the subjects conducted a teaching practicum. The subjects were senior students who finished a teaching practicum of health and physical education during the spring term of 2002. They responded to a questionnaire presented following completion of the teaching practicum. The number of responses was 320 (87.4%). The findings were as follows: 1) Teaching contents for "Warm-up and cool-down exercise" containing elements of "Exercise to enhance physical fitness" such as "gymnastics" and "resistance training," were practiced in many schools. 2) Concerning "Karadahogushi (Relaxing and healing) exercise" "Stretching," "Games," "Gymnastics" and "Leapfrogging" were practiced often. However, approximately 30 percent answered "not practiced." More over, approximately 60 percent did not answer. 3) Concerning "Exercise to enhance physical fitness," "Resistance-training," "Leapfrogging" and "Running" were popular. In addition, there were game-type contents such as "Rock-paper-scissors while hand crafting," "long rope jumping" and "pushing sumo." However, approximately 20 percent answered "not practiced," while approximately 50 percent did not answer. 4) "Leapfrogging" should be noted not only as an "Exercise to enhance physical fitness" but also as a "Karadahogushi (Relaxing and healing) exercise.", 3, KJ00004532285, 原著論文, Original Article}, title = {中学、高校の体育授業における「体つくり運動」等の指導内容}, volume = {47}, year = {2006}, yomi = {オオサコ, タカシ and ムツガ, ユキ and イエダ, シゲハル and カツマタ, コウイチ} }