@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009665, author = {纐纈, 智宏 and 羽柴, 祐之介 and 室伏, 由佳 and 猪俣, 公宏 and 小山, 哲 and 武田, 徹 and KOUKETSU, Tomohiro and HASHIBA, Yunosuke and MUROFUSHI, Yuka and INOMATA, Kimihiro and KOYAMA, Satoshi and TAKEDA, Toru}, issue = {1}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine the functional equivalence of kinesthetic imagery and movement in experiments using an isometric force task. This experiment involved the reproduction of a pressure control task (2 kg). Three independent groups (N=48) were included : 1 kg force group (1 kgFG), 2kg force group (2 kgFG), 3kg force group (3 kgFG). The experimental protocol consisted of four parts : 1) original learning session (40trials) ; 2) pretest session (3 trials) ; 3) 10trials with experimental session (1 kgFG=10trials with actual trial 1 kg ; 2 kgFG=10trials with actual trial 2 kg ; 3 kgFG=10trials with actual trial 3 kg) ; 4) recall (post) test session (3 trials). Constant errors were examined between groups by ANOVA. CE of 3 kgFG in recall test were significantly larger than those of 1 kgFG and 2 kgFG., 11, KJ00004197510, 原著論文, Original Article}, title = {力量調整課題の短期記憶における筋感覚的イメージの干渉効果}, volume = {44}, year = {2002}, yomi = {コウケツ, トモヒロ and ハシバ, ユウノスケ and ムロフシ, ユカ and イノマタ, キミヒロ and コヤマ, サトシ and タケダ, トオル} }