@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009501, author = {長岡, 由紀子 and 吉田, 行輝 and 朴, 貞植 and 武田, 徹 and 猪俣, 公宏 and 小山, 哲 and 石倉, 忠夫 and NAGAOKA, Yukiko and YOSHIDA, Koki and JEONGSIK, Park and TAKEDA, Toru and INOMATA, Kimihiro and KOYAMA, Satoshi and ISHIKURA, Tadao}, issue = {1}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Oct}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine pupillary responses in imagery of maximum muscle strength. Subjects in this study were male and female physical education students (N = 21). They were divided into three groups on scores of imagery as "performing" in VMI test III. These groups were ; (a) imagery training (IM), (b) imagery and performance training (IMP), and (c) control (C). The task was maximum muscle strength by grip. Two different pupil sizes, measured during imaging from in resting and during performing from in imaging, were measured as dependent valuables. The results indicated the following : 1) The pupil size measured during imaging from in resting was the lowest in post test of IMP. 2) The pupil size measured during performing from in imaging was the hightest in post test of IMP. 3) In both pre- and post tests of the pupil size which was taken during performance from in imaging was not equal by each trial. These findings seem to suggest that imagery and performance training will debilitate pupillary responses., 9, KJ00004196712, 原著論文, Original Article}, title = {最大筋力発揮イメージ想起時の瞳孔反応について}, volume = {39}, year = {1997}, yomi = {ナガオカ, ユキコ and ヨシダ, コウキ and タケダ, トオル and イノマタ, キミヒロ and コヤマ, サトシ and イシクラ, タダオ} }