@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009239, author = {小山, 哲 and 伊藤, 友記 and 吉井, 泉 and 山本, 裕二 and Koyama, Satoshi and Ito, Tomoki and Yoshii, Izumi and Yamamoto, Yuji}, issue = {1}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究は, 力量調整を伴うタイミング動作について検討を加えた。被験者は男女各8名の計16名であった。課題は移動指標がタイミング点に到達する時点に合わせて, 三本の指で指圧力盤のボタンに瞬間的に力を加えるというものである。反応する力量は, 移動指標がタイミング点到達前に probe として呈示され, 2kgか5kgのいずれかであった。また probe 呈示時期は, タイミング点前480, 400, 320, 280, 240msの5条件であった。40試行の力量記銘試行につづき, 20試行のタイミング練習試行が行われ, その後30試行のテスト試行が行われた。力量再生におけるPCEの分析から, 2kgの方が5kgより有意に undershooting する傾向が認められた。これはタイミング動作ではより小さな力の方が再生が困難で, undershooting する傾向を示していると考えられた。また, タイミング誤差の分析から, probe 呈示時期が遅くなるにつれ, 遅延反応が見られることが明らかになった。このことから, 力量情報の処理を伴う選択反応時間が500ms程度ではないかと考えられた。, The present study investigated the effect of the selective force reproduction on coincident timing task. The task assigned to the sixteen subjects was to synchronize the peak force of pressing the key by their three fingers with the arrival of moving target at the timing point. The criterion forces which were consisted of 2kg and 5kg were determined by the probe that was presented at predetermined five different times, which were 480, 400, 320, 280, and 240 msec before the timing point respectively. Before the 30 test trials without KR, 20 trials on each criterion force as the original learning, and as timing training trial 10 trials on each criterion force were completed with KR. The result of percent constant error (PCE) on the force reproduction showed that the PCE on 2kg tended to undershoot rather than the PCE on 5kg significantly. This result suggested the movements required a fine force recall could be difficult to control exactly, and the subjects required 2 kg for force reproduction in the present study experienced more difficulty processing the probe that was presented just prior to, or simultaneously with timing response. The result of timing constant error showed that the tendency toward time delay increased as a function of the probe presentation time on both criterion forces. It appears that these timing delay due to processing force information, therefore the choice reaction time on force reproductin would be necessary to about 500 msec., 4, KJ00004196433, 原著論文, Original}, title = {力量調整を伴うタイミング動作の分析}, volume = {32}, year = {1990}, yomi = {コヤマ, サトシ and イトウ, トモキ and ヨシイ, イズミ and ヤマモト, ユウジ} }