@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009165, author = {宮崎, 俊彦 and 鳴川, 英生 and 田中, 豊穂 and MIYAZAKI, Toshihiko and NARUKAWA, Hideo and TANAKA, Toyoho}, issue = {1}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of long-term physical training on the hormonal regulation of body fluid. Body weight, blood pressure, urine volume, urine osmolarity, plasma renin, plasma aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone were examined under the water-restriction for seven hours on 5 men who had continued physical training for 6 hours a day, 7 days a week, at least 8 months and on 5 untrained physical education students of nearly the same age as the trained. There was no difference in urine volume between the two groups, but urine osmolarity had a tendency to be higher in the trained than in the untrained. After the water-restriction, serum osmolarity showed a tendency to rise in the untrained but did not change in the trained. Antidiuretic hormone did not change in the untrained, but showed a tendency to rise in the trained. Plasma renin activity did not show significant difference between the two goups, but plasma aldosterone of the trained was significantly less than that of the untrained. From these results, the authors suppose that long-term physical training forms the following adaptation on the regulation of body fluid : in spite of a decrease of aldosterone, sodium-reabsorbing capacity does not decrease, and serum osmolarity is controlled within a narrow range by the increasing of the osmoreceptor sensitivity., 4, KJ00004196317, 原著論文, Original}, title = {運動鍛練が体液調節に及ぼす影響}, volume = {29}, year = {1987}, yomi = {ミヤザキ, トシヒコ and ナルカワ, ヒデオ and タナカ, トヨホ} }