@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009152, author = {滝, 克己 and 家田, 重晴 and 中川, 武夫 and 田中, 豊穂 and TAKI, Katsumi and IEDA, Shigeharu and NAKAGAWA, Takeo and TANAKA, Toyoho}, issue = {2}, journal = {中京大学体育学論叢, Research journal of physical education Chukyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {As the first step of a sequential study, a survey was conducted to analyse the sleeping habit of children by utilizng a questionnair. Elementary school children in a city of Aichi Prefecture were asked to answer the questionnair in October 1985 ; of 265 children from 1st to 3rd grade two hundred and thirty two filled in the questionnair (87. 5%). The followings were the main findings of the analysis : 1) Concerning the sleeping habit of children in the present study "Sleeping late", "Woken up by others", "Feeling sleepy on waking up" were considered as main problems. 2) "Waking up pleasingly" which may be used as an index of healthy living habit had clear relationship to "waking up naturally". 3) The pattern of the sleeping habit which led pleasant waking up was shown as a result of the analusis of the relationslip among the sleep related behaviors. 4) "Sleeping early" was found to be the most important factor to organize desirable sleeping habit of children., 7, KJ00004196304, 原著論文, Original}, title = {児童の睡眠行動に関する研究 (1) : 質問紙調査による睡眠習慣の検討}, volume = {28}, year = {1987}, yomi = {タキ, カツミ and イエダ, シゲハル and ナカガワ, タケオ and タナカ, トヨホ} }