@article{oai:chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010369, author = {藤田, 公和 and 矢島, 慶子 and 野寄, 哲明 and 田中, 豊穂 and FUJITA, K. and YAJIMA, K. and NOYORI, T. and TANAKA, T.}, issue = {1}, journal = {中京体育学研究, Research journal of physical education, Chukyo University}, month = {Nov}, note = {本実験の目的は長時間走 (21km) が血液性状, 血圧, 体重におよぼす影響について, その走行前後数日間の測定値も考慮して検討を加えることである。本実験に参加した被検者は中京大学体育学部学生, 女子3名, 男子2名の計5名であった。 得られた結果は以下のように要約される。1. 21km走行前後の体重を比較すると, 走行後には主として発汗によると考えられる体重の減少がみられた。女子では1.05~1.10kg, 男子は1.06~2.05kgの体重減少であった。2. 21km走行中著しい血液濃縮がみられた。安静時のHt, Hb, 全血比重, TPの値はそれぞれ44.6±2.4% (5名の平均と標準偏差), 14.7±1.0g/dl, 1.057±0.001, 7.5±0.3g/dlであったが, 21km走行によりそれぞれの値は47.2±1.8%, 15.6±1.0g/dl, 1.061±0.001, 8.4±0.2g/dlまで増加した。3. 血清逸脱酵素 (CPK, LDH, GOT, GPT) は走行中ないし走行後に高値を示す傾向がみられた。 特にCPK活性は走行1日後に最も高い値を示し, 被検者によっては安静時の3倍近くまで増加した。 しかし, 高度な持久的トレーニングを行なっている被検者 (HIM) は走行1日後でもほとんど増加傾向がみられなかった。, The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of 21-km running on blood constituents and to discuss the endurance work capacity from the view point of hemodynamics. The subjects were three female university students and two male ones. Blood constituents, blood pressure and body weight were measured before, during and after 21-km running. The results were summarized as follows : 1) The decrease of body weight due to perspiration was observed in all subjects accompanying running. The difference of body weight between before and after running were 1.05-1.10kg in females and 1.06-2.05kg in males. 2) There was remarkable hemoconcentration during 21-km running. Resting value in Ht, Hb, whole blood specific gravity, TP were 44.5±2.4% (mean±S.D of five subjects), 14.7±1.0g/dl, 1.057±0.001, 7.5±0.3g/dl, respectively but, after running that values increased to 47.2±1.8%, 15.6±1.0g/dl, 1.061±0.001, 8.4±0.2g/dl, respectively. 3) Higher serum enzymes (CPK, LDH, GOT, GPT) activities were observed during and after running compared with before running. Especially, CPK activity showed the highest values after 1 day. The serum enzymes activity observed one day after running in elite distance runner (subject HIM) was, however, almost equal to the value of before running., 9, KJ00004190153}, title = {長距離走が血液性状におよぼす影響}, volume = {22}, year = {1981}, yomi = {フジタ and ヤジマ and ノヨリ and タナカ} }